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Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Uber Challenge Day 4

So we were an incredible 151 miles down already. Sixteen miles up on our proposed mileage. Whilst Duff had fallen asleep at 7 on his Birthday the night before. I set about organising the rest of our trip and got the excellent Lisa to book us into a B and B 55 miles away in Dunkeld. My excellent sister Fiona would lend us her empty house the next night and from there it was a case of beasting the last 72 miles in a oner with the carrot of finishing a day early. That's right a day early! Kapow!

My excellent Mum and Dad, or David and Sheena to most of you, had offered to come and meet us the next morning and carry the tents and what not. Which, would lessen the junk in our trunk and get rid of the wagon we were dragin.

So We left at the crack o' dawn. About 6.45. We left the old panniers at the gate for my Mum and Dad to collect. I wrote on it: "smelly clothes to be picked up by sheena". Crime is low in these parts. With that message these panniers were going nowhere. Unless they ran off by themselves (a distinct possibility).

We stopped for breakfast about an hour later and had hot sausage rolls and a selection of sweets. This helped Duff to hare it up the rest of the Cairngorms. As seen below

We cracked on and out of the highland which in hindsight was my favourite place. It was peaceful and the lack of roads meant getting lost wasn't really an option.
 Here I am at the Drumochter summit a massive 1516 feet above see level. The air was thin but this would add to our speed.

There was a close thing as the road subsided and i went spewing over the side like a slippery seal. Unfazed, I pounced out and hopped back on the saddle.

It was a lovely day so I went for a dive in the river gorms or something like that.

Duff couldn't believe it as I plummeted into the blue. Look at the shock on his face. If you look closely you can just see some splashes, not many, as everyone knows a good diver slips in with no splash.

As it turned out we pretty much had a ten mile downhill. Which, was nic and before long we were in Pitlochrie. We had travelled through Killiecrankie (a stupidly named town with some stupid big hills) I was getting hungry and the thriving metropolis of Pitlochrie was getting to me as I became more and more hangry.

A sausage supper with a side of curry sauce did the trick and we got to blazes out of the hubub.

Only after Duff had taken a picture of my splendid farmers tan. If anyone would like to start up "" I'll be your poster boy for free. This tan would only get better as Duff didn't let me put my sleeves up as he found it hilarious. 

After feasting on a Zebra the Lion lazed for hours on the flat African savanah

 Twenty minutes later we were tearing up the tarmac on the way to Dunkeld where David and Sheena had promised another feed. I wish we had pictures but we don't. So imagine a lovely hotel beside a river on a sunny day with Duff, me and my healthy looking parents.

Remember you can sponsor us with Duff's charity being The Erskine charity - go here to sponsor or text LLCI81 £5 (or whatever amount) to 70070 

and my charity is Alzheimer Scotland - you can go here to sponsor: or text JGGO80 £5 (or whatever amount) to 70070  

Any sponsorship will be greatly appreciated.

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